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Dr. Douglas M. Sidle
The Facial Plastic Surgery Division’s Director at Northwestern University Medical center in Chicago, Dr. Douglas M. Sidle, believes in developing a close relationship with his patients so that he may learn as much as he can about their needs and concerns. It is his belief that as a surgeon, he takes on the responsibilities of educating, supporting, and counseling his patients.
Offers a plethora of information on hair loss, Propecia, Rogaine, and other treatments for balding.
The Hair Transplant Network
This site includes many articles on the various aspects of hair restoration, a broad collection of before and after patient photos, a directory of recommended air transplant physicians and a hair loss discussion forum. Hair Loss
Many women find their hairlines receding, leaving them with what appears to be an oversized forehead that hints at thinning hair. But plastic and cosmetic surgeons are using surgical scalp transfer and hair transplantation to put hairlines lower. Those procedures allow a woman’s face to have more classic…
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