Patients choose rhinoplasty surgery for many different reasons, whether it is an improvement to self-image or a solution to years of breathing troubles. Rhinoplasty, whether performed for cosmetic or medical reasons, can be a life-changing surgery that greatly improves a patient’s life. Sadly, a misunderstanding of what the procedure can do and what it involves will sometimes keep good rhinoplasty candidates from having the surgery. If you’ve often thought about this procedure for yourself, but have hesitated, you should make sure you’ve got all the facts before you discount it as an option for your nasal problems.
Myth #1 – Rhinoplasty Is Just for Women
This is a common misconception about many different plastic surgery procedures, especially rhinoplasty. Many men are still under the assumption that only women make cosmetic changes to their appearance, but this simply isn’t the case. Rhinoplasty is a surgery that can offer benefits to both men and women, whether their needs are medical or cosmetic in nature. Being a man does not mean you cannot correct a crooked nose, alter the size of your nostrils, or improve your breathing through surgery.
Myth #2 – Rhinoplasty Recovery Is Very Painful
Because this procedure does cause swelling, bruising, and redness around the eyes and nose, many would-be patients assume that healing from rhinoplasty is intensely painful. While it may not look very pretty during those early post-operative days, most patients are actually surprised at how little pain they really feel. While it may feel tight and swollen, the area around your new nose will be more tender than sore. You will be given pain medication and other tips to help manage this discomfort and your small amount of pain, but you’ll mostly be waiting for the okay to remove your bandages and see your brand new nose. Honestly, waiting for your rhinoplasty results can sometimes be more of a problem than any pain you’ll experience!
Myth #3 – Rhinoplasty Changes Your Facial Expressions
It might seem logical that changing a facial feature could somehow affect your facial expressions, but this is simply not true. Rhinoplasty makes changes only to the nose, a part of the face that is not largely involved in your face’s expressions. Rest assured that your frowns, smiles, grimaces, and laughs will all look just the way they always have when your rhinoplasty recovery is over.
Myth #4 – Rhinoplasty Changes How You Breathe
In the case of rhinoplasty changing your breathing, there is no simple answer. The truth behind this “myth” is that it can change your breathing but should only do so if you want it to. Rhinoplasty procedures that are performed with the intention to improve your breathing should do exactly that. Rhinoplasty procedures that are performed for cosmetic reasons, however, should not affect the way your nose functions in anyway. If this does happen to you, your surgery has not been successful; the most experienced and fully credentialed facial plastic surgeons won’t allow this to happen.
Myth #5 – Rhinoplasty Results Will Always Look Obvious
Many prospective patients fear that their rhinoplasty surgery will be obvious to others for years to come. While your friends and family are probably going to notice that something looks different, there won’t be any obvious signs that you’ve had “work done” on your nose. In fact, any scars will be inside your nostrils or confined to the underside of your nose, where most people won’t notice them. There’s no need to worry that your rhinoplasty results will be a billboard you carry for the rest of your life. In fact, if your surgery is done well, your new nasal shape and size will be the perfect complement to the rest of your facial features.
My #6 – Rhinoplasty Is Very Expensive
Compared to a manicure, any plastic surgery seems expensive. When considered as an investment into your emotion health and well-being, however, what your surgery can do will far outweigh a new coat of nail polish any day. Today’s rhinoplasty surgeries aren’t priced exclusively for the rich, famous, and A-list Hollywood stars. Most facial plastic surgeons are able to offer affordable pricing, advanced payment plans, and other financing options to help you achieve the results you’ve been wanting. Be honest about your financial abilities during your rhinoplasty consultation.
Myth #7 – Rhinoplasty Starts with Your Ideal Nose
Most prospective rhinoplasty patients assume they’ll need to have a nose in mind when they consult with a facial plastic surgeon. On the contrary, most surgeons prefer to start their evaluation with your other facial features, which they will use as a guide for what your nose should look like. Matching the new nose to your existing facial structure ensures that it will blend well, look natural, and provide balance to your overall appearance. If you are stuck on wanting Jennifer Aniston’s nose, on the other hand, you might be inviting disaster: the angles, structure, shape and size could be all wrong for your own look. Let your facial plastic surgeon provide his recommendations before you demand an ideal you found in a catalog or a magazine. You’ll get your best results if you work together to find the right nose just for you.
Myth #8 – Rhinoplasty Can Be Performed By Any Surgeon
Surgery is surgery, right? In the case of rhinoplasty, nothing could be more wrong. If you’re considering this delicate, intricate surgery for yourself, it’s safer and wiser to choose a specialist for the job. Look for a facial plastic surgeon with experience in rhinoplasty surgery. He can provide you with customized care, informed recommendations, and the skilled hands required to get the job done right the first time.
As an experienced aesthetic facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Sheldon S. Kabaker can guide you smoothly through the process of planning your rhinoplasty procedure. As an Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgeon and Hair Transplant Specialist, he also offers nonsurgical skincare treatments at his practice. He received his medical degree from the University of Illinois College of Medicine in 1964, before serving in the US Army Medical Corps and seeing active duty in Vietnam. Dr. Kabaker has studied and taught facial plastic surgery internationally in countries including France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Argentina, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Today, he continues to educate himself while delivering satisfactory results to his patients. To book a consultation with Dr. Kabaker, contact his office located at 3324 Webster Street in Oakland, California by calling (415) 379-9015.