Hair Line Lowering before and after, Frontal

Hair Line Lowering before and after, Frontal

Hair Line Lowering before and after, Oblique Right

Hair Line Lowering before and after, Oblique Right

Hair Line Lowering before and after, Oblique Left

Hair Line Lowering before and after, Oblique Left

Hair Line Lowering before and after, Lateral Right

Hair Line Lowering before and after, Lateral Right

Hair Line Lowering before and after, Operation Room

Patient Info
Patient 15166
Three views of a 29 year old female with high hairline and no hair loss. Shown from top (surgeon eye view ) showing markings for 3 cm advancement of hairline and immediate result. Other views show before and after 6 days, then at one year.
* Each patient is unique and individual results may vary.

Sheldon S. Kabaker, MD.
77 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 302, San Francisco, CA, 94102
(415) 379-9015