Hair Line Lowering before and after, Oblique Right

Hair Line Lowering before and after, Oblique Left

Hair Line Lowering before and after, Oblique Right

Hair Line Lowering before and after, Oblique Left

Hair Line Lowering before and after, Frontal

Patient Info
Patient 14325
47 year old female who has always had a large forehead. She had no history of hair loss. She wished to have her forehead shorter in height and the width reduced by reshaping the hairline. In January of 2014 she had the central hairline lowered by removing a two centimeter strip from the top of the forehead and pulling the scalp downward and stitching it in place. In addition, she had 560 follicular unit grafts put in from of the temples. The grafts were taken from the sides of the incision that was in the temples. Therefore, no additional donor scars were created.
* Each patient is unique and individual results may vary.

Sheldon S. Kabaker, MD.
77 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 302, San Francisco, CA, 94102
(415) 379-9015